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Re: device name changed after upgrade to bookworm [was: Cubox-i bullseye -> bookworm Upgrade failure]

Am Donnerstag, 28. September 2023, 05:23:39 CEST schrieb Fan Naibed:
> I'll be looking for better ways of setting up headless SBCs if anyone
> has good pointers. Thanks!

I have a cubox-i and use a serial console to access debug output. This makes 
me independent of any network connection at least and since I use it, I never 
had to connect a monitor anymore. Works particular well, if you have two 
devices nearby, then you can use one device to monitor the serial console of 
the other device. Even if you don't have the second device, transporting and 
connecting a small second device is typically ways easier than carring around 
and connecting a monitor and keyboard. The requirement is certainly that your 
device has a serial interface, but many do have that.

I typically use

 busybox microcom -d 20 -s 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

but there are also other serial console tools.

Hope that helps

Rainer Dorsch

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