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Re: Cubox-i bullseye -> bookworm Upgrade failure

Am Dienstag, 15. August 2023, 21:31:50 CEST schrieb Steve Langasek:
> > How about alerting end-user that "did you know your interface name
> > will change after the reboot thus possibly breaking your network
> > configuration?". I heard there are certain Release Notes that were used
> > to say things like that in the past ;)
> I think that's a very good idea.  https://bugs.debian.org/release-notes ?

That would be an improvement over the current status. Should I open a bug 

Though if there would a meaningful (=not many false positives and false 
negatives) message during the upgrade, that would be much better. Users tend 
not to read release notes...

Also I think the issue goes much beyond ifupdown, e.g. shorewall uses network 
interface names in its config files as well.


Rainer Dorsch

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