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Re: Bug#1017537: dietlibc: FTBFS on armel

Dixi quod…

>In case this makes anyone immediately think of whatever it is:

Code looks right enough (with an explanation of why this only
fails on armel but not on armhf which is perfectly fine):

$ cat arm/__testandset.S
#include "arm-features.h"

FUNC_START	__testandset
	mov	r2, r0
	mov	r1, #1
# if __ARM_ARCH__ < 6
	swp	r0, r1, [r2]
# else
1:	ldrex	r0, [r2]
	strex	r3, r1, [r2]
	cmp	r3, #0
	bne	1b
# endif
FUNC_END	__testandset

When he found out that the m68k port was in a pretty bad shape, he did
not, like many before him, shrug and move on; instead, he took it upon
himself to start compiling things, just so he could compile his shell.
How's that for dedication. -- Wouter, about my Debian/m68k revival

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