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Re: armhf vs buster problem #2

No idea. Sorry if I missed a mail with the reasons why stock debian wouldn't work?

On my ordroid-hc1 I build an sd card image on my deskop as described in the wiki:

And with apt search I can see a realtime kernel is available:

linux-image-rt-armmp/testing 4.19+105 armhf
  Linux for ARMv7 multiplatform compatible SoCs (meta-package), PREEMPT_RT

Maybe that could work for you?

Good luck with your project.


Am Mi., 3. Juli 2019 um 21:15 Uhr schrieb Gene Heskett <gheskett@shentel.net>:
I just yesterday watched RealtimePi make me an image for arm-v7. It went
all the motions of building a 4.4.114-rt-v7 kernel out of a arm-hf
buster zip containing a 4.19.50-v7 kernel.  So knowing the
4.4.114-tr-preempt kernel would be replaced if I ever got the network to
work, I added a /etc/apt/preferences.d/kernel.pref to pin the kernel.

But imagine my surprise when I plugged that u-sd into the pi and booted
it, one of the first things I note is that the images installed kernel
is a 4.19.50-v7, which may be straight from the raspian-buster-zip
RealtimePi started with.

So, how do I convince CustomPiOS to both build the 4.19.50, with realtime
patches applied, and then hand it back to RealtimePi to use building the
image? I have done that independently from RealtimePi but no clue how
make either of the guysoft utilities to actually use it.

Help please, and thank you.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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