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Re: Hybrid armhf/arm64 system

Phil Endecott <spam_from_debian_arm <at> chezphil.org> writes:
> Do you think it makes sense to use testing?

I'm trying it out...

The arm64 stuff seems OK so far e.g. abiword, which I mentioned 
before, installs and runs OK.

Firefox didn't work for me though, so I tried to install the armhf 
version.  This almost left me in a "OMG will I have to start again 
from scrath???" situation.  Eventually I realised that

- Installing firefox-esr:armhf requires libshout3:armhf.  
(You should be able to reproduce this just by doing "apt-get 
install libshout3:armhf").

- Something about /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libshout.so.3 
causes ldconfig to segfault.  (Try "strace ldconfig".)

- Since many apt actions eventually cause ldconfig to be run, 
this means that most apt-get invokations fail to work even if 
they are unrelated to these packages or armhf at all.

- "dpkg --remove libshout3:armhf" removes it successfully, 
after which apt starts to work again.  Phew!

I hope there isn't too much more of this lurking... so:

* Is there is bug in libshout3 and/or ldconfig here?

* Anyone have any experience with "fiesystem rollback" to 
recover for "I wish I hadn't done that" situations like this?

* Any thoughts about the current state of web browsers on 
arm64 and/or armhf?  Currently I have unaccelerated X, but 
the binary-blob Mali drivers are due "real soon now"...

Cheers,  Phil.

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