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Re: Debian, Qemu, KVM and Raspberry Pi

On 08/11/16 16:00, Alan Corey wrote:
Has anybody done this, are there comparable instructions for an RPi3,
and- above all- is there a straightforward kernel release suitable for
host and guest?

I posted a similar question on the Raspberry Pi forums here:

Although the parts of the cited responses that I'm reading don't touch on KVM etc. What I want to do is hide a mail (or other DMZ) server inside a guest on a firewall system... which sounds a bit weird but should be OK.

I got one response with some links in it but so far I'm still using
Raspbian.  It's very stable, which I care more about than being
bleeding edge.  I do the apt-get update and apt-get upgrade about once
a month.  I have 2 3Bs and a Zero, clone my SD card so I maintain 1

After experimentation we reverted to pukka Debian because we favour KDE, and I was never able to get it grafted reliably onto Raspbian.

I'm running with a USB-connected Seagate disc, that works well except for cases where I reboot with e.g. a 3G 'phone tethered since it gets the /dev/sd devices confused. I'm hoping that the new RPi3 firmware that allows USB boot etc. improves that.

I'm basically preparing an SD-Card using up-to-date Raspbian, and then overwriting / with stuff from the link I gave earlier. Fix up locales and run tasksel and that's about it.

A colleague had Ubuntu aarch64 on an Odroid C2 and while it worked it was definitely nothing to write home about- to the extent that he's now reverted to my usual Debian mix and the hardware is back on my desk so that I can investigate its I/O performance (which in principle is better than that of an RPi3: it has Gbit Ethernet which isn't hung off the USB). I'm not blaming the architecture for the problems, there's definite distro packaging issues (e.g. remove no-longer-needed packages and the desktop switches to black-on-black).


One of my ongoing jobs involves lots of L2TP stuff, if anybody's got the standing please could they review http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=842346 since it makes a big difference to reliability.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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