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Re (2): Correction: Re: a Debian executable on Android

FWIIW, access to most of the Daimler car2go vehicles 
here requires their app running on android or an apple device.  
Primarily for that, I purchased an XO Tablet.  Apparently the 
fastest machine I now own.  2nd hand and under 50 US dollars.

From:	Alan Corey <alan01346@gmail.com>, Sat, 9 Apr 2016 17:44:05 -0400
> Aside from practical considerations of running under Android you're
> also going to have deal with their paranoia about such things, which
> is quite evolved.  

You mean Google's paranoia; not debian user's paranoia.  =8~)

> Every app runs as its own user in pretty much a
> chroot jail with limited permissions, that sort of thing.  They use
> Java partly because it has provisions they can tailor to their system
> of providers and users of services.   Every app comes with a manifest
> specifying which permissions it needs and which services it uses and
> provides.  

Thanks for outlining this.  I've encountered numerous odd constraints 
and convolutions in a few months of experimenting with the tablet.  
Considering this, the bochs app works amazingly well.  I wondered 
whether Linux Deploy or Complete Linux Installer would be as effective.

> This might be a good starting point for looking at the
> situation: http://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-tips.html

Could be another project.  Being a senior now, my concern is to 
finish existing projects rather than begin new ones.  Meanwhile I'll 
lobby Daimler to offer a purely HTML5 app and content myself with 
android until the picture improves.

By the way, the Spark Modular Tablet is appealing although too large for 
my purposes.  http://www.instructables.com/id/Spark-The-DIY-Modular-Tablet/

Thanks,                ... Peter E.

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