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Re: Apparmor on SheevaPlug


> It depends on how you've configured u-boot.  Connect to u-boot and run:
> printenv bootcmd
> If it looks like this:
> bootcmd=setenv bootargs ${bootargs_console}; run bootcmd_usb; bootm
> 0x00800000 0x01100000
> (bootcmd_usb might be bootcmd_mmc or bootcmd_sata)

It is bootcmd_mmc.

But if I change bootcmd, how long will that be valid? The only way to
connect to uboot is while booting, because I could not get the tools from
package u-boot-tools to work. So, if I change bootcmd at boot time, will
that survive another reboot (I guess that it will, with saveenv)? But even
if it does, how about installing a new kernel? Won't flash-kernel use the
default u-boot values to create a new uImage file, thereby overwriting my
own bootcmd?


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