Re: Reboot on Banana Pi not working?
On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 08:41:27AM +0000, Stuart Winter wrote:
> Hello
> Trying to reboot on my Banana Pi using this kernel doesn't work -the OS
> shuts down but the Banana Pi never reboots.
> I had a look at the Fedora Kernel (Linux 4.x) which has the same problem.
^^ ^^^^
that is an installer udeb which is not intended for installation on an
already installed system. Have you built a custom debian-installer
with this udeb, or do you perhaps mean or
> Has anybody else found this?
> The Linux 3.4 Kernel in Bananian does reboot.
I cannot reproduce your problem on my Banana Pi, rebooting works here
without problems with both linux-image-3.19.0-trunk-armmp and
linux-image-3.19.0-trunk-armmp-lpae on u-boot 2014.10+dfsg1-3. Which
u-boot version do you use?
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