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Re: wanted: arm64 (aka aarch64) porterbox

+++ Camm Maguire [2014-08-12 15:30 -0400]:
> Greetings!  Can anyone point me to such a development box to complete
> the port of gcl and dependencies to this platform?  Temporary access to
> a debian-ports buildd would be perfect.

There isn't yet an official debian arm64 porterbox. We are awaiting
hardware that can be suitably hosted.

There is an arm64 box that I or Chen Baozi can give DDs access to, but
because it's behind a firewall bounce and has restricted ports it
doesn't qualify for use an an official porterbox run by DSA.

Send me an ssh key and username (and reason) if you need

(I've sorted Camm out already, this is now a public service announcement).

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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