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Re: Bug#730258: please add arch-specific BTS tags

On 11/24/2013 12:47 AM, John David Anglin wrote:
> On 23-Nov-13, at 6:35 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> Crossing my fingers! It's been sad to see the number of up-to-date
>> packages in hppa dropping over the time.
> It should be going up now.

So, the buildds are already up and running? Shouldn't they be showing
up on buildd.debian-ports.org [1]?


> [1]

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de
  `-    GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

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