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Re: [pkg-mono-group] Wanted: superstar hacker to complete Mono port to armhf

It took a while, but I conned an upstream developer without any ties to the last effort into doing it, and it's happening on Xamarin company time as part of a general effort to improve ARM support. With the recent iPhone 5S announcement it's become business critical for them (due to the ARMv8 ABI using hard floats) 

So whilst it's years later than I hoped, this is more or less in hand. 

The upstream developer is Alex Ronne Petersen, if you want to chase him on IRC

peter green <plugwash@p10link.net> wrote:

>John Masseria wrote:
>> Is this request still outstanding?
>Mono was dropped from debian wheezy armhf:(, it's still in raspbian 
>wheezy and still buggy there. I was hoping to replace it with a working 
>version when a working version hit sid but no working version has hit sid.
>There is apparently a patch floating arround for mono 3.x which was 
>obtained from sony under a (l)GPL source code request. This does not yet 
>seem to have been incorporated in the debian mono packaging, I do not 
>know why.
>> I'm willing to help contribute.  I will just need some guidance on how to use the source control for the project to get the source and guidance on how to build the package(s).  I have experience on other platforms (mostly mainframes and mini-computers) with assembler and C, but I have a good general knowledge of computer architecture and compiling and linking.
>> Currently I only have a Raspberry Pi to use for testing.  From reading the differences between Raspbian and Debian, I see that Debian packages compile for ARMv7 while Raspbian comiples for ARMv6 for use with the Pi's BCM SoC.
>> In theory I could test my changes on my Pi and then upload to have someone test on ARMv7.
>CCing the mono maintainers in debian.
>pkg-mono-group mailing list

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