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iMX6 EOMA-68 CPU Card


just a heads-up that the iMX6 EOMA-68 CPU card is probably about 3-5
weeks away from a first prototype, so i wanted to ask people if there
is any feedback on RAM, NAND flash sizes or any other features that
would make it useful to the debian arm community at all.  bearing in
mind that it's based on the boundary devices sabre lite revision D
board, it'll have gigabit ethernet and sata-II, as well as USB-OTG,
Micro-HDMI and Micro-SD.

also, it's probably worth pointing out that the "flying squirrel" PCB
- a 120 x 113mm board that is designed to go into a 7in tablet but
could be used as a carrier / engineering board, should be done at
roughly the same time [if you recall the kde plasma active tablet,
that's what the flying squirrel is].


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