Fwd: [Arm-netbook] x11 for a10 cpu
- To: ARM <debian-arm@lists.debian.org>
- Subject: Fwd: [Arm-netbook] x11 for a10 cpu
- From: lkcl luke <luke.leighton@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 03:21:36 +0100
- Message-id: <CAPweEDytVUphRbp-h5Svh=iq0Btx6fhrDF6ocvhZSFsUNGJjMw@mail.gmail.com>
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- References: <CAPweEDz_G2vyUUj0nCLYTYCzDUi5sGfhxH2dj84aK5zdn1Scyg@mail.gmail.com> <loom.20120621T225050-325@post.gmane.org> <4FF27B74.4030900@cnx-software.com> <CAHTvVMcjD0JPUY-0+b+sibvxh4BXKFJsrKv3tWK7tUL7Jv_khQ@mail.gmail.com> <4FF2A066.5050307@cnx-software.com> <CAB_pQ6W9iE2MtPxM7oVK6LX7E-N2P0pEAOn0pyPxP4sBhGy=Mw@mail.gmail.com> <4FF2C10B.2080504@cnx-software.com> <CAB_pQ6XWBLuj2rFvLsBOQaPfns78X+hqk0D0ZVS=SrAcW21c_w@mail.gmail.com> <4FF2DB6C.1010408@cnx-software.com> <CAHTvVMfKDWRJbAHBtFuc2-dxwr392eYRD7ujZcER73Rdc32gww@mail.gmail.com> <CAFjve-A3ywuhOJMZT6zCcYJXXGiKBO6PCOxao5osDtu3T-+8Pw@mail.gmail.com>
fuller context is here:
i'm forwarding this to debian-arm as an fyi as it may become a bit of
an issue when it comes to distributing xorg for various differing ARM
platforms. if anyone knows of a more appropriate place than
debian-arm that should be notified please can they take responsibility
for contacting the appropriate people.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom Cubie <mr.hipboi@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 2:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Arm-netbook] x11 for a10 cpu
To: Linux on small ARM machines <arm-netbook@lists.phcomp.co.uk>
> 0x3003 == 12291 make sense :-)
i got the reply from arm.
I think you are having this problem because your X11 environment is
configured to load the GLX extension and switch on AIGLX. GLX and
AIGLX are used to enable hardware acceleration in X11 on OpenGL
capable GPU. But Mali support OpenGLES, not OpenGL, so these
extensions cannot be used.
If you refer to the xorg.conf template from DX910-SW-99003 package
then you will see that it does not load the GLX extension nor switch
on AIGLX. Please can you try disabling the loading of the GLX
extension and switch of AIGLX in your xorg.conf.
If your xorg.conf neither explicitly loads the GLX extension nor
switches on AIGLX, the xorg-server that you are using could have been
compiled without the --disable-glx option. In that case, you should
obtain a xorg-server that was compiled with this option.
> --
> Nicolas Aguirre
> Mail: aguirre.nicolas@gmail.com
> Web: http://enna.geexbox.org
> Blog: http://dev.enlightenment.fr/~captainigloo/
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