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Re: [Arm-netbook] "Great China's Firewall" blocking access to A10 SoC

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 5:36 PM, brian <Brian_Dorling@t-online.de> wrote:
> On 11/08/2011 02:10 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> sorry, normal incomprehensible service resumed...
> Using CaPiTaLs might help. I always find your mails tiring to read. Sorry.

 sorry, brian.  *rueful*.  ok, allow me to explain, put forward an
alternative hypothesis, and a potential solution.

 some time in about 1996 i read that, because capitals are less
common, they're tiring to read.  except for spanish-speaking people,
who shout at each other anyway, and who have the exact opposite
convention, to use capital letters all the time.  on the basis of
these two observations, i decided 19 years ago not to use capital
letters except for proper nouns, shouting and other appropriate uses.

 one side-effect of not using the shift key is that i can type at over
170wpm, continuously, for over 20 mins.  my working hypothesis is,
therefore, that the tiredness stems from "information overload".  i've
sort-of instinctively recognised this, which is why i keep
communications to "short bursts" and only at critical times (such as
right now).

 in any account: in respect of your (implicit) wishes, and in the
interests of helping free software progress, it would therefore help,
greatly, for _other people_ to pick up the ball and run with this
project, to the extent that they are prepared to and able to.

 i've done the hard work - found the CPU, found the factory - it's
downhill from here.

 the TODO list includes:
 * web site (run under the Community Interest Company)
 * uploading the GPL kernel to a community repository
 * alpha-level early prototype kernel development
 * beta-level 2ndary prototype software development
 * wiki instructions development
 * etc. etc.

 several people have agreed already to be informal
(debian-leader-like) admins of the CIC web site, and we have 8 people
willing to buy prototype boards (2nd-stage / betas).

 progress.... :)


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