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Re: Java on ARM

Last time I tried, I used Cacao in JIT mode to successfully run a Tomcat server with some apps running. It was way faster than OpenJDK's non JIT VM on a Qnap 219 running Debian.

My Cacao is 0.99.3. The latest seems to be 0.99.4.



On 2011-02-03 18:45, David Given wrote:
Does anyone know what the current state-of-the-art is with Java on ARM
(that plays nicely with Debian)?

My SheevaPlug-based server runs some Java servlets. Right now I'm using
openjdk in interpreted mode, which is reliable but dog slow and
incredibly memory hungry (right now on my server, the Java process
clocks in at 643MB... and the next biggest thing is 55MB).

A while back I was told by someone that they were working on producing a
JIT for ARM, but nothing ever seemed to come of it. I experimented with
almost-JITs like JamVM and Cacao, but they didn't seem to be quite up to
running servlets (I'm using the Winstone servlet container).

What are things like these days? What's the recommended way of doing
Java on a modern ARM?

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