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Re: second-stage bootloader for Thecus N2100?

On Fri, 30 Jan 2009, Paul Jakma wrote:

Possible methods:

- APEX support for N2100 (??) (as a 2nd stage)
- A small, static Linux env in flash to act as bootloader via kexec ?
 (suggested by suihkulokki on #debian-arm)
- custom N2100 bootloader
- ?

The 2nd one seems the easiest to hack together - though possibly not the fastest boot (but probably not so much extra to matter).

I meant the 2nd option, of course.

Paul Jakma	paul@clubi.ie	paul@jakma.org	Key ID: 64A2FF6A
Make headway at work.  Continue to let things deteriorate at home.

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