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Continued existance of armeb?


I've been off and on maintaining two buildd hosts over the past year for
an armeb architecture, running on two NSLU2's in big endian mode.
Andreas Barth (Cc'ed) has been maintaining the ftp-master and
wanna-build side of things for that.

Since about a month or two, IIRC, ftp-master.debonaras.org does no
longer reply to either SSH or FTP, so uploading packages is no longer
possible. I've asked Andreas on a number of occasions through IRC to
look into it, but so far nothing happened -- I assume the etch release
is sucking up his time.

That being said, nobody ever asked me what was going on, and I never saw
any question as to the state of armeb or so on this list; this, together
with comments regarding the current need of armeb leads me to conclude
that it perhaps isn't really used anymore.

Since I don't own an arm machine (of any type) myself, whether or not
there is an armeb port does not have any direct influence on me; and
while I'm happy to continue maintaining bob and wendy if there is
interest (and ftp-master.debonaras.org is revived), I'd find it rather
silly to maintain buildd hosts for software that nobody ever will use.


<Lo-lan-do> Home is where you have to wash the dishes.
  -- #debian-devel, Freenode, 2004-09-22

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