Re: New Zaurus on the way (finally!)
Just got the Zaurus this week, and I have to say a lot of
good things about this gizmo, it really is a nifty piece
of work and is a lot more usefull that I actually expected.
I can link to it with the Zaurus usbdnet.o kernel patch
but telnet and ftp links are still rather unstable. I am
investigating the debian-zaurus project, but in the meantime
I use this thing at work so I am still running the latest
Sharp ROM image. A super cool mini-server!
The default Embedix OS really blows, it is much worse than
even RedHat. The PDA is great if you just use the QTopia
desktop software, but if you open a console or shell you
will soon see that "this ain't Debian!"
I think the QTopia environment is a good thing to keep, but
this device would be much higher quality if the underlying
OS was Debian (of course).
It really is a very cool little device... highly recommended!
It is much more than a silly toy and is actually quite useful!
- Doug
B. Douglas Hilton wrote:
Managed to scrimp and save enough to finally grab one of
these toys. I'm not sure what way to go with it, because
unlike most computers it already has Linux as the default
OS. Would it be better to keep the OS and make an extension
to install debs, or go with Debian and modify alien to
install ipk's? Guess it doesn't matter. as its stock OS
is probably in firmware and any Debian would run from
the flash card, right?
- Doug
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