Ralph Siemsen wrote:
On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 11:07:03PM +0200, Stefan Wuerthner wrote:A last question: how can I control the Netwinder fan under Debian?Don't know about debian, sorry, but normally there is a utility called "set_therm" for doing this, and also "fan_ctrl". They come from a package called nwutil, whcih you can find, if not in debian, then on netwinder.org in rpm format.
In Debian too: apt-get install nwutil. Then man set_therm and man fan_ctrl. Zeen, -- -Adam P. GPG fingerprint: D54D 1AEE B11C CE9B A02B C5DD 526F 01E8 564E E4B6Welcome to the best software in the world today cafe! <http://lyre.mit.edu/%7Epowell/The_Best_Stuff_In_The_World_Today_Cafe.ogg>