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teaching gcc's optimiser new tricks

Currently if you ask gcc -O2 (tried on 3.0) to evaluate


it will give you code of the form:

	cmp	r4, #0
	movne	ip, #0
	moveq	ip, #1

how does one teach the optimiser that this is equivalent and 33% faster:

	rsbs     ip, r4, #1
	movls    ip, #0

(I've checked this with a loop 

    int value = 0;
    while (--value) {

and it gives !a for all values of a)

Maybe I'm over-optimistic, but I would hope that the aggregate effect of small
gains where possible on common C operators would start to add up to slight
speed gains.

Nicholas Clark
Even better than the real thing:	http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/

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