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This kind of thing (from longlong.h) is never good news.  Someone probably 
needs to figure out what the `arm3' version is doing and why it doesn't work 
on armv4.  (It ought not to be using explicit hard registers either.)

/* SAM This does not work on arm4 */
#define umul_ppmm(xh, xl, a, b) \
  __asm__ ("%@ Inlined umul_ppmm
        mov     %|r0, %2, lsr #16
        mov     %|r2, %3, lsr #16
        bic     %|r1, %2, %|r0, lsl #16
        bic     %|r2, %3, %|r2, lsl #16
        mul     %1, %|r1, %|r2
        mul     %|r2, %|r0, %|r2
        mul     %|r1, %0, %|r1
        mul     %0, %|r0, %0
        adds    %|r1, %|r2, %|r1
        addcs   %0, %0, #65536
        adds    %1, %1, %|r1, lsl #16
        adc     %0, %0, %|r1, lsr #16"                                  \
           : "=&r" ((USItype)(xh)),                                     \
             "=r" ((USItype)(xl))                                       \
           : "r" ((USItype)(a)),                                        \
             "r" ((USItype)(b))                                         \
           : "r0", "r1", "r2")
#elif __ARM_ARCH_4__
#define umul_ppmm(xh, xl, a, b) \
  __asm__ ("%@ Inlined umul_ppmm
        umull   %r1, %r0, %r2, %r3" \
                   : "=&r" ((USItype)(xh)), \
                     "=r" ((USItype)(xl)) \
                   : "r" ((USItype)(a)), \
                     "r" ((USItype)(b)) \
                   : "r0", "r1")
#error Untested architecture


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