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Re: ARM build machines

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Wookey wrote:

> Assuming we are not talking at cross-purposes; I believe Chris only set up
> one machine (medusa.armlinux.org) with buildd as he ran out of time and has
> now sunk under college work until the end of term. He is aware that various
> people offered machines.

Yeah; medusa's actually not running a buildd at the moment, but the
rebel.com machines (or at least europa) is working away; Phil also has
a gaggle (or perhaps motley crue would be a more funky term) working
away; they're keeping up-to-date with packages as far as I know -- it's
just processing the build reports -- which Phil I think has been working
on in his not-very-copious spare time.  There is the system at
<http://buildd.armlinux.org/~buildd/> which gives some indication as to
what's going on -- and I intend to finish off the report mailing list
system soon, too -- but it's all in dire need of more work -- which will
happen as soon as term ends.

> I'm hoping Chris will get time to upload the newer arm-port page I did soon.
> If anyone else has the authority (I'm mouldering in the NM queue) it's sat at 


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