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double format and xdr


I am trying to run pvm on the shark but I ran into problems.
All Data is transfered normally, except doubles. Those doubles are encoded
with xdr_double which is in libc. I found only very little documentation
about this function.
So what happens is this: the double is always word-swaped when it comes out
of xdr_double. When I xchange the higher and lower 32bit every time, the
values are transfered correctly.
Can I customize xdr_double in some way?
BTW: The format the doubles are stored on the ARM is not even recognized by
pvm, but that should be easy to change.


      (o o)
| schulz@ira.uka.de                         | ... because you are always as |
| Alexander.Schulz@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de    | dead as you think you are!    |
| www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Alexander.Schulz    | (D. Adams : mostly harmless)  |

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