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Re: i intend to do further development on my machine

Alain Toussaint <alaint@cgocable.ca> wrote:

> What do you all think of that ???
> Alain Toussaint

Your call... It's your machine and your time... :) But I'll think you'll have
problem setting up a cross-compiler between i386 and arm... They are to different
for this to work I think...

For example, I wanted a cross for Alpha and i386, but just could not do one,
because of the big differences in architecture (I've tried other cross'es to,
and most didn't work). The only cross I could successfully make is between i386
and m68k-{linux|amiga|sun}...

Does this mean that you'll remove gandalf from the net? I hope not, because it's
the only Netwinder I have access to, and I've been building franticly on that... :)

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