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Re: Got my NetWinder

Allan Anderson <cerebus@amer.net> writes:

> Jim Pick wrote:
>  When
> > I get some time, I'll set up my own Debian chroot environment on it.
> I notice quite a few packages seem to be built and working (with the
> major missing pieces from a Debian development environment being X and
> egcs).  I guess that it's time for me to set up my own chroot'd area on
> /dev/hda4.  Any hints as to how to get started on this?  I guess that I
> should look into the x86 install scripts.

Here's what I wrote to someone else:

I'd suggest only setting it up in chroot environment at this stage.
Nobody has tried to replace the Corel-supplied Red Hat stuff on the
primary partition yet.

Here's what to do, roughly:

 1) There are two primary sources of packages:


    (These are the .deb files that we have finished with and officially
     uploaded to Debian)


    (These are the .deb files that haven't been officially release yet, and
     are just for local use)

 2) You'll need to get a copy of the "dpkg-deb" binary.  You can extract
    it from the dpkg .deb in the base section by using the standard Unix
    tools (ar first, then tar/gzip).

 3) Use "dpkg-deb -x <package>.deb /mnt/chroot"

    to unpack whatever files you think you need to get a minimal chroot
    environment set up in /mnt/chroot.  You'll probably want most of the
    packages from the base section (dpkg, bash, libc, etc.) plus you
    will probably need some other 

 4) "cd /mnt/chroot; chroot ."

    That's how you log into the chroot area.

 5) Then you will want to use "dpkg -i" to install the packages again
    properly, so the dpkg database in /var/lib/dpkg has a record of them
    being installed.  You will need to use "dpkg -i --force-depends" on
    a number of packages.

As you can tell, this is still pretty crude.  We should have something
better in the next few weeks, I hope.


 - Jim

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