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URGENT: Amendment needed to page on your website

Good Afternoon,


Following up from my previous email, regarding the broken PDF on your website - http://mirror.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar/pub/CRAN/web/packages/futureheatwaves/vignettes/starting_from_netcdf.html


Under the anchor - https://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg1/WG1AR5_Chapter09_FINAL.pdf


The link still appears to be broken. I strongly recommend this is replaced with the following https://selectra.co.uk/sites/selectra.co.uk/files/pdf/Climate%20models.pdf


 As I'm sure your aware a broken link leads to  

1. User frustration2. It gives the impression you don't do regular housekeeping

3. It can harm the credibility of the website

4. It can hurt your SEO and page rankings 

Please let me know when this has been completed. A member of our team will be making a follow-up call to ensure this is handled effectively and efficiently.


Kind Regards

Carly Thorpe
Communications Officer
UK:+44 (0) 1704325062
w:selectra.co.uk  e:carly.thorpe@selectra.co.uk

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