Debian shouldn't base its software on specific laws of specific countries. Debian should provide sane defaults, produced by the community, not obscure laws.
BTW, the Apache Consortium was "awarded" with a BigBrotherAward back in 2000: "for the lack of attention of issues of privacy in the default configuration file of the Apache web server." More (bad) translation (by me):
In the default configuration, the Apache web server logs, among other things, the IP address of the user agent and the name of the retrieved web pages. This information is a violation of user privacy, since relatively simple analysis tools can determine in retrospect, which users accessed which pages, in which order and how long the pages were viewed. Beyong these basic logging functions, the default configuration file of the Apache web server provides additional logging options, that are very easy to switch on. Additional information such as the "referer" (the previously visited page) or the used browser software version can be logged. In the standard configuration, these logging functions are only described from a technological point-of-view. There is no indication that the use of these functions may violate the privacy of the user. The use of extensive logging in a standard software such as the Apache web server must be fundamentally questioned. From an "information hygiene" perspective, logs should only be kept if they are indispensable for the technological operation of the device. The user has to be informed clearly and unambiguously, before he uses the service. The Apache web server especially deserves this nomination, because the default configuration almost begs for the collection of completely unnecessary data on a large. This results in globally distributed data slime trails, about which the user is not informed, but provoke law enforcement agencies to go ahead and request them.
14 years after this award and 15 months after Snowden: let's finally fix this.
-- ilf Über 80 Millionen Deutsche benutzen keine Konsole. Klick dich nicht weg! -- Eine Initiative des Bundesamtes für Tastaturbenutzung
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