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Bug#645874: marked as done (php getimagesize is returning zero)

Your message dated Sun, 19 Feb 2012 23:27:24 +0000
with message-id <201202192327.24946.jmv_deb@nirgal.com>
and subject line Re: php getimagesize is returning zero
has caused the Debian Bug report #645874,
regarding php getimagesize is returning zero
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact owner@bugs.debian.org

645874: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=645874
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner@bugs.debian.org with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: apache2
Version: 2.2.16

I have recently updated apache and the function getimagesize of php is returning zero (php streaming error??).
When is the new version of apache available the recent version of apache is (2.2.21) or a ad hoc fix to solve the problem.

King regards,

Jurian Kunst
The Netherlands

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--- Begin Message ---
Unreproducible bug, require more info, invalid submiter email address.
Probably assigned to the wrong package (php).
=> closing

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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