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apache2_2.2.14-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED
apache2_2.2.14-3_i386.changes ACCEPTED
apache2 2.2.14-3 MIGRATED to testing
apache2_2.2.14-4_i386.changes ACCEPTED
apache2 2.2.14-4 MIGRATED to testing
apache2_2.2.3-4+etch11_i386.changes ACCEPTED
apache2_2.2.9-10+lenny6_i386.changes ACCEPTED
apache2 override disparity
apr-util_1.3.9+dfsg-3_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Bug#157734: workaround for wrong Accept-Language headers
Bug#353095: marked as done (apache2 sends binary garbage before header)
Bug#449109: marked as done (apache2.2-common: AliasMatch regexen broken if number of path elements differ)
Bug#504710: marked as done (apache2.2-common: mod_auth_basic breaks svn path based authorizations)
Bug#516031: marked as done (Missing APACHE_LYNX in /etc/apache2/envvars)
Bug#529416: marked as done (apache2.2-common: Apache2 does not start with mod_ssl enabled)
Bug#543333: marked as done (apache2: <Location> doesn't work anymore with mod_python)
Bug#543333: The issues comes from mod_include
Bug#553946: marked as done (FTBFS with binutils-gold)
Bug#557015: marked as done (mod_rewrite: erroneous redirect when host is [ipv6 address])
Bug#557612: During package upgrade, apache2 is stopped, but not started
Bug#558234: marked as done (apache2.2-common: open 443 in ports.conf for mod_gnutls.c)
Re: bug #558238: distribute sites-available/default-tls in libapache2-mod-gnutls?
Bug#560020: mod_proxy_balancer: order matters for configuration
Bug#560923: CVE-2009-3560 and CVE-2009-3720 denial-of-services
Bug#560923: marked as done (CVE-2009-3560 and CVE-2009-3720 denial-of-services)
Bug#560923: [pkg-fgfs-crew] Bug#560937: Bug#560932: Bug#560912: Expat issues update
Bug#560947: CVE-2009-3560 and CVE-2009-3720 denial-of-services
Bug#560947: marked as done (CVE-2009-3560 and CVE-2009-3720 denial-of-services)
Bug#561358: libaprutil1: Failes to build from source with error: make: *** No rule to make target `include/apr_md5.h', needed by `crypto/getuuid.lo'.
Bug#561358: marked as done (libaprutil1: Failes to build from source with error: make: *** No rule to make target `include/apr_md5.h', needed by `crypto/getuuid.lo'.)
Bug#561729: apache: installing packages such as squirrelmail or pgpgroupware break apache with a segfault
Bug#561729: bug 561729
Bug#561729: Info received (bug 561729)
Bug#561729: marked as done (apache: installing packages such as squirrelmail or pgpgroupware break apache with a segfault)
Bug#562006: apache2 default php setup is wrong
Bug#562583: apache2.2-common: new init.d script pidof_apache function
Processed: found 560020 in 2.2.9-10
Processed: Re: Bug#562006: apache2 default php setup is wrong
Processed: severity of 557612 is wishlist
Processed: tagging 272069
Processed: tagging 543333
Processed: tagging 553946
Processed: tagging 557015
Processing of apache2_2.2.14-4_i386.changes
ssl-cert_1.0.24_i386.changes ACCEPTED
ssl-cert_1.0.25_i386.changes ACCEPTED
The last update was on 20:00 GMT Wed May 01. There are 50 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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