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Re: mis-understanding php

I figured out what to do.

First I loaded php5 with apt-get install php5

Next I rebooted. Reloading apache2 is not the same as rebooting.

I went to /var/www and copied the index.html file to index_.html and removed index.html

At /etc/apache2 is the file httpd.conf and in it is this line:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php  --I can't wait to try wap and wml.

(In my first message I said http.conf did not exist; that was a typo
and I mistook it for an empty file 'httpd.conf was indeed empty' and meant to type httpd.conf instead.)

Now in the browser with http://www.mysite.com/ the index.php file displays correctly. This leads me to believe that if index.html is in the directory along with index.php that index.html is the file that will be displayed and if it is not and index.php is there then index.php will be displayed instead. I always wondered how this was accomplished.

I had expected that in the file apache2.conf would be a line like this:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php ...etc

I have yet to locate anything similar but I will keep snooping. .htaccess maybe? humm..

Andrew Zuffi

If the 3 foot tall humanoids living in that martian crater ever want to colonize earth they must master vi first.


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