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Bug#463783: It doesn't start only if eth1 is not properly configured.

Today I've found out that if my eth1 is configured upon boot
via DHCP or manually (depends on /etc/interfaces) then
everything is ok and apache is starting up.

By default my eth1 is configured to get config from DHCP.
But when I run my laptop at home - I have no LAN with DHCP
there yet - it is not starts.

I've tried to start it manualy (sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 start) and
it throwed error:
ixti@msi-s300:~$ sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 start
Starting web server: apache2[Mon Feb 04 17:15:12 2008] [crit] (EAI 9)Address \
family for hostname not supported: alloc_listener: failed to set up \
sockaddr for
Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/ports.conf:
Listen setup failed
invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "start" failed.

Backslash on the endings is inserted by me to keep each line's length
less then 80 chars.

So I've tried to configure eth1 manually (sudo ifconfig eth1
and then tried to start apache again - and it started without any problem.
Then I've tried to start it within LAN with DHCP and it also started fine.

And one more problem. Even when it is running - it is awfull slow. Each
request is processed very slowly (even if it has no dynamic content (no
PHP or else - just simple HTML).

Here is my $ df -h:
/dev/mapper/msi--s300--vg-root 496M 103M 368M 22% /
tmpfs 502M 0 502M 0% /lib/init/rw
udev 10M 144K 9,9M 2% /dev
tmpfs 502M 0 502M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda6 61M 22M 37M 37% /boot
/dev/mapper/msi--s300--vg-home 11G 4,0G 6,4G 39% /home
/dev/mapper/msi--s300--vg-tmp 1008M 34M 924M 4% /tmp
/dev/mapper/msi--s300--vg-usr 5,0G 4,8G 5,1M 100% /usr
/dev/mapper/msi--s300--vg-var 5,0G 1,6G 3,3G 32% /var

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