Processed: block 405773 with 469081, block 395959 with 469081
Processing commands for
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version
> block 405773 with 469081
Bug#469081: Please link against libmysqlclient_r instead of libmysqlclient
Bug#405773: apache2.2-common: mod_authn_dbd does not include the mysql driver
Was blocked by: 395959 403541 406202 450535
Blocking bugs of 405773 added: 469081
> block 395959 with 469081
Bug#469081: Please link against libmysqlclient_r instead of libmysqlclient
Bug#395959: apache2: Auth dbd with MySQL driver doesn't work
Was blocked by: 450535
Bug#403541: mysql driver missing - closing of #395959 was inappropriate
Bug#406202: no mysql support
Blocking bugs of 395959 added: 469081
End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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