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Bug#468289: apache2.2-common: Segfault when checking BalancerMember status via handler balancer-manager

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 09:47:14PM +0100, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
> On Thursday 28 February 2008, Jason Rodrigues wrote:
> > After upgading to the latest build of apache2 (From a Build in Sept
> > 2007), visiting a BalancerMember's status page to
> > enable/disable/see details results in a segfault in apache.
> Sigh.
> Can you please try if the packages from 
> http://people.debian.org/~sf/468289/
> fix the problem? If you prefer, you can just replace the extracted
> /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_balancer.so .

Yes, that seems to fix the problem.  What was the problem, out of
curiosity?  Was this fix published elsewhere, I checked a few databases
and coulden't find anything like it.

Thanks again for the fix, let me know if there's anything else I can do
to help.


Jason Jay Rodrigues - Systems Administrator
The Conference Exchange
(401) 334-0220 x211

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