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Bug#414193: apache2-common: searching ALL files in /etc/apache2 for PidFile

severity 414193 minor

[Dennis Director]
> In /etc/init.d/apache2, when a reload is requested (as is the case from
> the package manager during upgrades )  ALL files in /etc/apache2  are
> greped for a line begining with "^PidFile".  If there was some file with
> a name like config.old that had a line that began with PidFile, it would
> be used.

Do you have a better idea of how to find the correct PID files?  This
being a shell script, it's not trivial to parse apache2.conf,
particularly its Include directives.  If you've got shell code that
gets this right (accounting for wildcards and whole directories), we
might consider using it.

> More importantly, some servers have lots of BIG log file in
> /etc/apache2/logs, left over from an earlier standard, and all of
> those log files are searched entirely for lines begining with
> PidFile.

Oh my.  I wonder where those came from.  Debian has been using the FHS
(and thus using /var/log by default) much longer than we have been
shipping apache2.  I suspect your installation is rather atypical.

I'm downgrading this bug.  It's a real bug - our search for a PidFile
directive is certainly crude - but I don't know how much better we can
do in a shell script.


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