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Bug#396162: /etc/init.d/apache2 still has wrong logic in PID detection

Package: apache2-common
Version: 2.2.3-2
Severity: important
Tags: patch

In /etc/init.d/apache2 (my comments are after # sign):

pidof_apache() {
    # This loop returns from procedure with first PID it encounters in 
    # existing .pid file no matter PidFile is from the right source or not.
    # So what if the .pid file is stalled and PidFile source is wrong?
    for PFILE in `grep ^PidFile /etc/apache2/* -r | awk '{print $2}'`; do
        if [ -e $PFILE ]; then
            cat $PFILE
            return 0
    for i in $PIDS; do
	# $PID is always empty string, it was never used before. This matter with
	# useless REALPID initialization make impression that the file was published
	# in the middle of development process ;)
        if [ "$i" = "$PID" ]; then

My patch fixes these issues trying to follow the orginal thought. Though 
again, it is not the most proper (but rather fastest) way to do the thing. ;)

--- apache2.orig	2006-10-08 12:38:25.000000000 +0800
+++ apache2	2006-10-30 11:53:50.000000000 +0700
@@ -36,29 +36,32 @@ pidof_apache() {
     # classified as good/unknown feature
     PIDS=`pidof apache2` || true
-    PID=""
     # let's try to find the pid file
-    # apache2 allows more than PidFile entry in the config but only
-    # the last found in the config is used
+    # apache2 allows more than PidFile entry
+    # most simple way is to check all of them
+    PIDS2=""
     for PFILE in `grep ^PidFile /etc/apache2/* -r | awk '{print $2}'`; do
-	if [ -e $PFILE ]; then
-            cat $PFILE
-            return 0
-	fi
+	[ -e $PFILE ] && PIDS2="$PIDS2 `cat $PFILE`"
-    REALPID=0
     # if there is a pid we need to verify that belongs to apache2
     # for real
     for i in $PIDS; do
-        if [ "$i" = "$PID" ]; then
+	# may be it is not the right way to make second dimension
+	# for really huge setups with hundreds of apache processes
+	# and tons of garbage in /etc/apache2... or is it?
+	for j in $PIDS2; do
+    	    if [ "$i" = "$j" ]; then
 	    # in this case the pid stored in the
 	    # pidfile matches one of the pidof apache
 	    # so a simple kill will make it
-            echo $PID
+        	echo $i
             return 0
+    done
     return 1

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