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Bug#395854: apache2.2-common: does not run cgi-bin files anymore

* "Thomas Schoepf" 

| upgrade from apache2-common (I'm running testing). Now, I cannot run any cgi-bin files anymore. Default configuration does not work either.
| Instead of running the cgi-bin files, my browser just shows me the source code of the cgi file.

Do you have mod_cgi enabled?  Note that the default configuration does
not run any CGI files outside of /usr/lib/cgi-bin, so if you accepted
the new conffiles, you might accidentially have gotten an «AddHandler
cgi-script .cgi» directive disabled.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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