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I am getting the error below and I am not sure how to proceed. Can you please offer some assistance?

(Reading database ... 158346 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing libapache-mod-auth-kerb ...
Error: 510mod_dynvhost.info does not have a valid LoadModule entry.
The above errors might cause apache to not work properly or start
Please refer to the documentation on how to fix it or report it to
Debian Apache Mailing List <debian-apache@lists.debian.org> if in doubt
on how to proceed
dpkg: error processing libapache-mod-auth-kerb (--purge):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 20
Error: 510mod_dynvhost.info does not have a valid LoadModule entry.
The above errors might cause apache to not work properly or start
Please refer to the documentation on how to fix it or report it to
Debian Apache Mailing List <debian-apache@lists.debian.org> if in doubt
on how to proceed
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 20

Failed to apply all changes! Scroll in the terminal buffer to see what went wrong.

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