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Bug#302136: proxy & auth conflict

Package: apache2
Version: 2.0.53-5
Severity: normal

I have a slightly odd apache setup where I basically want to do the

* use an apache as a reverse proxy for a Zope site,
* except for a few specific URLs, for which I require authorized users

The configuration I use is:

    Options        +MultiViews
    ProxyPass      /wsvn       !
    ProxyPass      /websvn/    !
    ProxyPass      /           http://localhost:9000/VirtualHostBase/http/staff.attingo.nl:80/s taff/VirtualHostRoot/

    <Location /wsvn>
	AuthName        "Attingo Staff Portal"
	AuthType        Basic
	AuthLDAPEnabled On
	AuthLdapURL     ldap://server:389/dc=base,dc=domain?uid?sub
	AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid
	AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN off
	Require         valid-user

/wsvn is a bit special: it is actually wsvn.php but with the help of
multiviews I use it as /wsvn/<svn repo name>/, similar to the setup
on svn.debian.org.

The problem is this: when I go to /wsvn/ apache still proxies the
request to the zope instance instead of processing it itself. But
if I remove the 'Require valid-user' statement it stops proxies
it and processes the request correctly.


Wichert Akkerman <wichert@wiggy.net>    It is simple to make things.
http://www.wiggy.net/                   It is hard to make things simple.

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