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Bug#267477: such basic things need to be USERFRIENDLY

severity 267477 important

Come on people, is that really THAT COMPLICATED to add a simple guide to
new admins to enable such base functionality like SSL? Is this Debian or
LFS or why T.F. is a such basic thing so complicated? Even Gentoo guys
managed to solve it in a sane manner, you get correct docs and most
things are already preconfigured. For Debian, there is NOTHING in
README.Debian (or is hidden in some obscure other file that is not easy
to find). Fsck that.
Even howtos like http://www.ianmiller.net/article.php?id=13 do not work
out of the box [1].

Look at Exim4 maintainers. Understandable guides to enable things like
TLS. Simple. Userfriendly. Tested for fresh installations, no falls and
traps. The stuff for SSL setup in Apache2 packages makes me really

[1] Reason:
Starting web server: Apache2Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl:
Invalid command 'SSLEngine', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

<following the usual logic> I guess there is some module I need to add
and I remmeber something about a debconf setup... or so... but where was
it again?! I cannot find it! No hint! No README.Debian.modules or such
thing. That sucks! Should I need to install some doc package? Let me
see... Oh, no hints in apache2-doc, just the pure  upstream
documentation, and some examples/*. Does it tell me more about the SSL
setup? NO! Looks like a copy of the default file from the howto above,
something I did before, and that does not work.

And such user-unfriendly crap is to be released as "stable" for the next
three years now? That's ene of the moments when I feel ashamed of beeing
a DD.


PS: And no, I do not smoke at all. My current mood is not influenced by
any kind of drug (except of some coffein). If you do not believe me,
take an average admin (without much/any apache2 config know-how) and
watch him setting up SSL.
Wenn morgens früh der Wecker rasselt, ist der schönste Tag vermasselt.

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