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Apache virtual hosting module


I'm trying to use virtual hosting on a local apache server running
Debian sid with apache 1.3.31-6 and  I have installed
libapache-mod-dynvhost (0.9.6-1) from apt.

When trying to configure it from the dpkg install it gave some message:

WARNING: Use of apacheconfig has been deprecated!
apache-modconf should be used instead.

/etc/init.d/apache start gives:

Syntax error on line 187 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Invalid command '<Virtual', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not included in the server configuration

There appears to be no problem with the file which I setup using

Webmine does show mod_vhost_alias under Re-Configure Known Modules but
it is not selected. I can click the checkbox on the page this does not
install it.

Anyone know how I can install the module?

I tried 
http:~# apache-modconf apache enable mod_vhost_alias
Error: 510mod_dynvhost.info does not have a valid LoadModule entry.
The above errors might cause apache to not work properly or start
Please refer to the documentation on how to fix it or report it to
Debian Apache Mailing List <debian-apache@lists.debian.org> if in doubt
on how to proceed


Chris Caston

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