Bug#239917: marked as done (please create apache2 as dummy package isntead of virtual package)
Your message dated Thu, 8 Jul 2004 12:22:32 +0100
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Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 23:28:48 +0200
From: Riku Voipio <riku.voipio@iki.fi>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: please create apache2 as dummy package isntead of virtual package
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Package: apache2
Severity: wishlist
Currently apache2 is virtual package, which makes installing apache2
a daunting experience for a newbie.
kgb:~# apt-get install apache2
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Package apache2 is a virtual package provided by:
apache2-mpm-worker 2.0.48-8
apache2-mpm-threadpool 2.0.48-8
apache2-mpm-prefork 2.0.48-8
apache2-mpm-perchild 2.0.48-8
You should explicitly select one to install.
E: Package apache2 has no installation candidate
Now, at this point, I had no idea what is a mpm and why should
care. After viewing the descriptions of all the above mentioned
packages, I'm still not 100% sure which one I should install.
Something like :
Package: apache2
Depends: apache2-mpm-whatever-is-stablest | apache-mpm
Package: apache2-mpm-whatever-is-stablest
Provides: apache-mpm
Package: apache2-mpm-faster
Provides: apache-mpm
Would seem a lot more intuitive.
Riku Voipio | riku.voipio@iki.fi |
kirkkonummentie 33 | +358 40 8476974 --+--
02140 Espoo | |
dark> A bad analogy is like leaky screwdriver |
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Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 12:22:32 +0100
From: Thom May <thom@debian.org>
To: 239917-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Fixed in 2.0.50-1
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This is fixed in the latest upload.
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