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Bug#242985: Requires valid-user is not being honored

Package: apache

I am attempting to use libapache-mod-perl to perform a custom
configuration. However it appears that apache is not honoring the
directory stanza for the virtual host. I believe this is a bug in apache
and not in libapache-mod-perl because libapache-mod-perl is returning
fails to the apachesubsystem. At this time I do not think this is user
error because I've checked against half a dozen examples (including
perl.apache.org) and I seem to be right in line.

Log snippit
[Sat Apr 10 04:40:16 2004]
     [error] access to / failed for, reason: Failed for X reason
[Sat Apr 10 04:40:16 2004]
     [error] access to /index.html failed for, reason: Failed
             for X reason
[Sat Apr 10 04:40:16 2004]
     [error] access to /index.html failed for, reason: Failed
             for X reason - someuser [10/Apr/2004:04:40:16 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 0

According to the logs (and the web browser!) the page gets served, even
though access should be denied.

<VirtualHost *>
  Servername push.sourcecontrol.net

  DocumentRoot /var/www/mirrors/push

  ErrorLog /var/log/apache/push.sourcecontrol.net
  CustomLog /var/log/apache/push.sourcecontrol.net common

  PerlModule SourceControl
  <Directory /var/www/mirrors/push >
    AuthName SourceControl
    AuthType Basic
    PerlAuthenHandler SourceControl::authen_handler
    Require valid-user

/usr/local/lib/site_perl/SourceControl.pm : 
package SourceControl;

    sub authen_handler {
        my $r = shift;
        # get user's authentication credentials
        my ($res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
        return $res if $res != OK;

        my $user = $r->connection->user;
        my $reason = "";

        # authenticate through DBI
        my $reason = authen_dbi($r, $user, $sent_pw);
        if ($reason) {
                $r->log_reason($reason, $r->uri);
                return FORBIDDEN;
                #return AUTH_REQUIRED;
        return OK;
    sub authen_dbi{
      my ($r, $user, $sent_pw) = @_;
      # validate username/passwd
      #return 0;  # replace with real code!!!
      return "Failed for X reason";
    # don't forget 1;

James Blackwell          Please do not send me carbon copies of mailing
Smile more!              list posts. Such mail is unsolicited. Thank you!

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