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ProxyPass - proxying to server on a different network?

Hi all,

I have a network with a single IP address and 3 web servers, one of which
listens externally on port 80 and proxies to the rest. Previously, all three
machines were on the same internal network. I recently split the network and
now both of the web servers are on a different subnet to the rest of the

Just to make everything as clear as mud:

                 DSL Router
                   Proxy Server
                       |     |
Workstations -       - Servers

Despite updating DNS, and trying with IP addresses in httpd.conf, the
ProxyPass requests no longer work from outside
the network. They do work from inside however.

My VirtualHost directives look like this:

<VirtualHost fant.0r.co.nz>
        ServerAdmin gareth.d@******
        ProxyPass               /       http://fant0r.server.lan/
        ProxyPassReverse        /       http://fant0r.server.lan/
        ServerName fant.0r.co.nz

This worked fine on the old network layout but no longer seems to work. The
apache server running on the proxy doesnt even attemt to make connections to
fant0r on the other network.

Any ideas or help as to why this isnt working would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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