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Re: Thought: hell is going to break loose

Hi David,

On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, David N. Welton wrote:

> ... when a stable release comes out and people's apache installations
> suddenly *stop working*.  Do some calculations based on how many
> people are making noise about this issue now and I think 'royal
> ruckus' doesn't begin to describe the situation.

Well you are welcome to help us in maintaing apache. We are an open team
and we really appreciate help since apache is such a wide and complex
package that it is impossible to verify any situation in advance.

> There has got to be a way that things can not just fall over like that.
> Debian to me is about providing stable upgrades, even if someone has
> done something we now consider to be trampling on Debian's territory.

we do all agree on this issue.. help us testing packages before release is
even better.


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