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Re: PHP4 for Apache2: when ?



I know this has already been discussed here and there but I really
want to know why Debian doesn't provide PHP4 for Apache2.

what is the reason Apache2 in debian don't support PHP4 ?

Joker :)


In fact I am in a desperate need of it for my personnal use and
also for my work.  So why ? I know PHP4 *IS* working pretty well in
conjunction with Apache2 (i had feedback on this) but there is
still nothing for us Debian user.

Currently, I'm using Apache2 with PHP4 but I build it from source
both with success.

Can you send me your configure line for php4 ? The main difficulty for
me is to have separate SO file for domxml. I have enabled the
construction of shared object but I still get a big libphp4.so which is
not what I want.

for PHP4
./configure --enable-discard-path --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/lib --enable-sigchild --enable-magic-quotes --enable-short-tags --with-exec-dir=/home/ --disable-rpath --enable-libgcc --disable-pic --with-zlib --enable-bcmath --enable-calendar --with-gdbm=/usr/bin --enable-dbase --enable-exif --enable-mbstring --enable-mbregex --enable-filepro --enable-ftp --with-ming=/usr/local --enable-gd-native-tt --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png-dir=/usr/local --with-ttf=/usr/local --with-t1lib=/usr --with-gettext=/usr --with-mcrypt=/usr/include --with-mhash=/usr/local --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png-dir=/usr/local --with-tiff-dir=/usr --with-expat-dir=/usr --enable-trans-sid --with-regex=system --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-wddx --with-zziplib=/usr --enable-inline-optimization --with-gnu-ld --with-apxs2=/usr/web/apache2/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars -with-config-file-path=/usr/web/apache2/conf/ --prefix=/usr/web/php4 --with-mysql=/usr/web/mysql/

but the part of the configure for apache 2 is :

but you have to compile apache2 first, but there are not a special thing in the configure for compile apache2

then you have to add those lines to your httpd.conf :

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so


AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .phtml .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

then copy the php.ini file in the conf directory of apache

cp ./php-4.3.1/php.ini-dist /usr/web/apache2/conf/php.ini

change the register_globals variable to On (Should be at Off) in the php.ini file
register_globals = On

create a symlink from /usr/web/apache2/bin/apachectl to /etc/init.d/apachectl

and restart apache
/etc/init.d/apachectl restart

and try it

don't forget to change  the path I put with you own path

if you have any problem, send me an email,



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