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Bug#215836: apache uses lot's of CPU and Memory

I thought it had gone away, but it is still happening. Sometimes I am getting 24 hours without the problem, but then it comes back with a vengeance. It's quite annoying, because processes like tomcat just stop when apache uses up all the memory. Then I have to restart the processes manually.

I'm going to try upgrading (apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade) and see if the problem goes away. The function where it is getting stuck does appear to be within one of the libraries, and not apache itself. Does this mean I should file a bug report against that library as well?



Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:

On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Daniel Pocock wrote:

Thanks Fabio, I've moved /usr/sbin/apache out of the way and put a
symlink to apache.dbg

I'm now waiting for it to go silly again...

Do you know how I can inspect what request or virtual host it is
handling once I fire up the debugger?  I'm not familiar with the Apache
codebase myself.

You should be able to see the calls to the log functions and text strings
about accesses. I suspect some sort of loop that can cause that problem
so it shouldn't be impossible to spot. We will see how to handle
everything as soon as we get the gdb output.


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