Bug#213397: please upload
On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 09:43:52AM -0500, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> Fair enough, I apologise if I caused offense. I thought this was serious
> enough to warrant a special update rather than waiting almost a week.
> I did find that a simple recompile of the current package with the
> latest perl libraries results in a working system.
Yes, it does. I think a bin NMU on x86 would actually solve the problem
of a billion duplicate bugs.
> Does the breakage with the perl upgrade indicate that either the perl or
> apache dependencies are/were incorrect?
My understanding is that the libperl ABI changed upstream. I'm not
sure exactly what the perl maintainer is planning on doing about it.
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victory, it is about death. I've seen thousands and thousands of dead bodies.
Do you think I want to have an academic debate on this subject?" -- Robert Fisk
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