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Bug#79989: marked as done (Users' CGI scripts won't be run if the script file has group (or world) write access)

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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Users' CGI scripts won't be run if the script file has group (or world) write access
From: tlilja@cs.hut.fi (Timo Lilja)
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After having configured Apache to allow users' CGI scripts I run into
problems with running them. 

If my user CGI script has write permissions for the group suexec won't
run the script, all I got was "internal sever error". Setting the file
permissions to 755, for example, make the users' CGI script work.

I think the above (not very well documented) feature of suexec doesn't
work very well with the fact that Debian has user groups. If nothing
else, could this suexec feature be documented somewhere?


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We are now closing suExec related bugs since it can be enabled/disabled
from version


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