Apache and php
I'm having a trouble with my Apache and PHP4, they are both the default
versions from Debian 3.0 rev 0.
No php aplications run in Apache, it returns a internal
error/missconfiguration error, or diplays a blank page. I've uncomented
both: LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp4.so and AddType
application/x-httpd-php .php, I added this last line to
/etc/apache/srm.conf, I've reloaded apache, I've also reloaded the
modules and re-started Apache... But I still have the same problem.
I looked the entire Archives of this mailing list but steel, I found
nothing no reply to similar doubts that satisfied me, and I've never had
the same problem in any other distro and the same software (Apache and PHP4.
Thanks in advance to any reply.
Diogo Santos
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